Percstone Unit


Percstone is an erosion control unit that provides visual definition for the paved space. For tough spots that really require solid pavement but are unable to support it, Percstone is the answer. This heavy-duty unit is well suited to handle erosion control issues along embankments, open ditches, earth berms, and flood-way districts. The unique lattice work design of the Percstone unit allows for sand, pea gravel or turf fillers, each of which creates its own distinctive look. These pavers work well in driveways, parking courts and other areas where drainage is a problem.

  • Percstone

    Paver Size: 80mm
    Square Feet Per Cube: 104
    Pieces Per Cube: 40
    Weight Per Cube: 2588 lbs (approx)
    Note: Void Area: 28%
  • Percstone Dimensions
    • Embankments: Percstone units are placed directly on graded and compacted soil, working from the bottom to the top of the embankment. The recommended maximum angle is 70 degrees; for slopes over 45 degrees, Percstone units should be staked every third row to secure them until vegetation is established.
    • Streambanks and Lakesides: The maximum recommended slope for this application is 45 degrees. Frequently, a base of gravel (minimum 4”) and a layer of filter fabric are necessary to prevent scour from moving water. In areas where vegetation will not grow, gravel should be placed in the voids of the Percstone units.
    • For further information, refer to ICPI Tech Spec. #8, a copy of which will be provided upon request.

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